
4.0 ( 3140 ratings )
Vývojář: FabriQate

Ever missed an American Chamber (AmCham) roundtable with the governor or the Ambassador, a coveted spot in an overseas business delegation with Fortune 500 executives, an inspiring seminar delivered by the industry elite?

Now the AmCham/Invest in the USA app will keep you worry-free: connecting with our over 2200 plus member companies worldwide, business communities across the Pacific, finding potential business partners, making multi-billion-dollar deals, and interacting with government officials all with a single touch.

- Receive tailor made news and notices just for you,
- Register for events and be the first to receive limited exclusive offers!
- Join and renew your membership with the click of a button.
- Read our numerous FREE publications online including the annual White Paper and Special Report.
- Access our entire database of pictures and presentations from EVERY event.

FREE of charge for all, this app provides 24/7 AmCham service at your bidding.

This app’s development was funded by the United Sates Department of State in order to serve the U.S. business community in south China and promote Chinese investment in the United States.

你是否曾错过美商会组织圆桌论坛, 失去与州长和大使面对面交流的机会?是否曾错过与全球五百强企业高管同赴海外商务考察的良机?是否曾错过行业翘楚在美商会召开的研讨会?


- 随时查收定制咨询及美商会活动通知
- 报名参加活动,获得优惠待遇
- 一键式完成入会或会员更新程序
- 在线阅读大量免费刊物,如《白皮书》,《华南地区经济情况特别报道》
- 获取商会每一场活动照片及讲解资料

